"About 10 years ago I went from a size 12 to a size 4. I tried a million fad diets, but I realized making healthier choices was the way to keep the weight off. There is no magic pill."
Jillian Michaels (Black Team trainer on Biggest Loser)
The great food debate has been going on for quite some time. Everywhere you look there are articles and entire books dedicated to food and the types of food one should eat, or not eat. Is there a lot of good information out there? Yes there is. Am I going to reinvent the wheel with this post? I most certainly am not.
Here’s the deal with food and your quest for health. DO NOT deprive yourself of the food you really enjoy eating. I REPEAT: DO NOT deprive yourself of the food you really enjoy eating. One day soon I will post my philosophy on the word “diet” but for now I’ll use the term very,very, very loosely.
When you decide to become more healthy by losing excess body fat most people go on a “diet”. Most diets involve restricted calories and the giving up of one’s favorite foods. The combination of those two things is why most people fail at “diets”. Another reason people fail is “diets” require such an immediate and drastic change in the calories and foods you consume that the deprivation is overwhelming. Changing your lifestyle to become a more healthy person is hard enough without have to deprive yourself of your favorite foods.
When you want ice cream, eat ice cream. If you want pizza, eat pizza. Here’s the catch, don’t eat half the container of ice cream or the entire pizza in one sitting. Try to control the Neanderthal-like urge to eat as much as you can just because the food is there. I believe everyone is smart enough and informed enough to make “the right” choices when it comes to food. However, I completely understand and empathize with how tough it can be sometimes to resist the urge to gorge on the foods we love so much. So be conscience of what you decide to eat. If possible seek a healthier alternative. If there isn’t a healthier alternative, just choose your portion size wisely.
My friend Allison has a blog post that has a little more meat for you to chew on about this subject. You can check it out HERE
If you’re looking for a little light reading, try to track down a copy of the book Eat This, Not That! by David Zinczenko. He points out some simple food swaps that can save you calories and pounds. Every little bit helps!!
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Next week’s topic: Don’t Worry Ladies, You Won’t Get “Swole” or Why I Emphatically Dislike the Concept of “Dieting” ( I haven’t decided which one of these two topics for next week just yet.)
Thanks for reading!
Your Friend,