
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Septemeber Fitness Challenge

Tomorrow is the THE DAY! Shout out to my friend Matt Harrington who came up with this challenge and posted it on his Facebook page. This is will be a challenge in every sense of the word. Before I get into what the challenge is I would like to say this: Be willing to challenge yourself at every opportunity. One cannot improve without being challenged. Even if you challenge yourself and "fail", it is not always the achievement of a goal we learn from but the journey toward the goal that teaches us new things about ourselves.

With that being said I give you THE CHALLENGE:

In the month of September accomplish the following
100 miles running
5000 pushups
5000 sit-ups

Looks tough huh? Now, I have to adapt this challenge slightly to accommodate my right knee. Distance running and I haven't gotten along for quite some time. I will do my 100 miles on the cross-trainer to reduce the impact on my damaged knee.

So there you have it. There's the challenge Matt and I are taking on for the month of September.
What's yours?

Welcome to My Blog!

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome. I took the blog plunge today. Let's see how it goes. Thanks for reading what will be my thoughts, opinions, and suggestions about health, fitness, and life.