Tomorrow is the THE DAY! Shout out to my friend Matt Harrington who came up with this challenge and posted it on his Facebook page. This is will be a challenge in every sense of the word. Before I get into what the challenge is I would like to say this: Be willing to challenge yourself at every opportunity. One cannot improve without being challenged. Even if you challenge yourself and "fail", it is not always the achievement of a goal we learn from but the journey toward the goal that teaches us new things about ourselves.
With that being said I give you THE CHALLENGE:
In the month of September accomplish the following
100 miles running
5000 pushups
5000 sit-ups
Looks tough huh? Now, I have to adapt this challenge slightly to accommodate my right knee. Distance running and I haven't gotten along for quite some time. I will do my 100 miles on the cross-trainer to reduce the impact on my damaged knee.
So there you have it. There's the challenge Matt and I are taking on for the month of September.
What's yours?